
Quantum Entanglement and why it bothered Einstein?

There is no stronger proof than quantum entanglement that validates quantum mechanics and its fundamental divergence from classical mode of thinking . Quantum Entanglement Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which two or more particles become interconnected in such a way that their states become intrinsically linked such that , measuring the state of one particle instantaneously affects the state of the other, regardless of the spatial separation between them,  their states cannot be described independently.  But what do we really  mean by measuring ? Classically measuring should be thought as a way of removal of ignorance about information that already exists, for example if I measure the radius of a football, I now know its radius but before my measurement that ball was still of exact same radius, my measurement does not affect its property.  But quantum mechanically, measuring a quantum state affects its state, we call it the collapse of wavefunction , before my measurement th